Justice-Involved, Justice-Focused
Our staff has the skills and knowledge to work with County, State, and Federal correctional systems. We are now facilitating programs in different settings such as; courts, County/State/Federal correctional facilities, reentry, and community supervision. We provide services for individuals impacted by the criminal justice systems and programming/training options for correctional facilities, and staff.
No matter where you're at, we got your back.
Pre-Incarceration Advocacy
We help with court hearings, reference letters, communication with Judges, Supervising Agents, lawyers, treatment staff, and child protection.
We believe in a full scope approach. There is great value in seeing a face on the inside and then seeing them in the community. We start the reentry process well before someone is released. - Peer Recovery Specialists Training (PRS). - PRS services - Pre-release classes - Native American programing - Connecting with local and outstate resources - Employment Readiness - Tailored trainings (Ex. Relationships, reentry, problem solving)
Just Released
Our staff are on the ground floor at this critical stage of reentry. The first 90 days can be a make-or-break period. We can be there for transportation, and connection into the community the day of release. - Work release - Residential Reentry Center (Halfway House) - Connecting with a Recovery Community Organization (RCO) - Resource navigation - PRS services - Critical problem solving and support
Post Release
Navigating community supervision is where we can provide support and specific responsivity. - Communication with Supervision Agents - Providing pro-social opportunities for clients - SUD responsivity, Peer support, treatment connections - PRS services - Employment specialists. Assessments, guidance, and placement with on-going support for advancement and growth with our employer network.