What is a Peer?
Can have lived experience with Substance Use Disorder, Justice Involvement, Mental Health and Recovery
Are professionally trained but are not clinicians
Meet people where they’re at (literally and figuratively!)
Honor all pathways to recovery - no wrong door to recovery
Use strengths-based, forward-looking approaches
What’s right with you and what do you want to achieve?
Masters at navigating community resources
Mutual and reciprocal
Equally shared power
Traits of a Peer
Connect with a Peer
Service Map
We will work with anyone in any Minnesota county, though we strongly focus on the cities and towns in Anoka County.
Different Types of Peer Services
CPRS: Certified Peer Recovery Specialist – State Certified SUD Peer.
CPRSR: Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Reciprocal – Upgraded State Certified SUD Peer with the ability to Supervise other Peers.
CPRS-FE: CPRS – Forensic Endorsement – State Certified SUD Peer who has lived experience with the criminal justice systems and specializes in working with that population.
CPS: Certified Peer Specialist – State Certified Mental Health Peer.